Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ander sings

Ander has begun singing songs with us. If I remember right, the first one he started singing was Happy Birthday. At home, he will act goofy with his singing when he is playing, but if we sing at gym or the library, he is so serious and doing so great!


Patty said...

WONDERFUL ANDER ! ! ! You sing so beautifully . . . hope you'll sing for me soon.

I love you & miss you very, very much ! ! !

Marthavmuffin said...

How sweet! What are you doing this weekend? MIke is busy but I would love to get together for some playtime. Jamie and I got in the pool the other day- it was cold, but we set up the baby pool where we mainly stayed. Want to try it out?

Marthavmuffin said...

Ok you are going to put up some fresh footage. We watched this again tonight (3 times!) and Jamie is asking for more!